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DD-WRT Error / Log
I cannot connect through DD-WRT?
Due to the nature of DD-WRT connections it is very difficult for us to offer any kind of support when things do not work correctly, all we can say is that our setup should work without issue for the all setups and systems. There is always the small chance that you may need to tweak our setup slightly in order to have it function correctly on your system.
We have created the following checklist for you to go through which may help, these are common issues that we see from time to time.
- Have you ensured you are using the correct firmware version for your router make and model.
- Are you using the latest DD-WRT firmware for your router.
- Have you setup your router correctly with DD-WRT depending on its use as an access point or Standalone router.
- Have you double checked the IP address of the DD-WRT router and the main router are correct and not conflicting in any way.
- Have you attempted to use a different configuration, we have guides for PPTP and OpenVPN, you may find one works if the other does not.
- If you are using OpenVPN, have you tried switching protocols between, TCP or UDP and also switched ports. With TCP you can use port 443, 80 or 8008. You can use ports 1194, 55194 or 65194 with UDP.
- Have you double checked you are connecting to the correct VPNUK server IP.
- Have you tried running the DD-WRT router through DHCP.
- Have you tried the connection with the ‘Use DNSMasq for DNCP’, ‘Use DNSMasq for DNS’ and ‘DHCP-Authoritative’ enabled as well as disabled.
- Ensure the IP of the DD-WRT router is not conflicting with your main router.
- Have you set the correct date and time on the DD-WRT router.
- Have you tried setting your LAN settings manually?
You may have found the issue with the above troubleshooting checklist, if you are still experiencing problems though OpenVPN you may be able to spot the problem by viewing the connection log.
# OpenVPN Log Instructions
- Add the following after ‘verb 3’ in your OpenVPN Config startup script: log /tmp/openvpn.log
- Reboot you router, wait for about 5 minutes and then run the following command (Run Command) from the command text area in administration (same place as the OpenVPN config file):
ln -s /tmp/openvpn.log /tmp/www/openvpnlog.html - Go to the DD-WRT index page and add: /user/openvpnlog.html to it so it looks something like: http://192.168.x.x/user/openvpnlog.html
If you cannot see the issue from viewing the generated log file please feel free to let us have a look at it, we may be able to spot something you miss.